Also can't create a Clickbank account

Please help guys. Ive read the other threads regarding not being able to create a Clickbank account, but i am getting a different error to the other posts. Please see the screenshot from Clickbank. I have contacted Clickbank too and am still awaiting response from them.

Problem resolved by creating account through Google Chrome instead of Firefox… Must be a setting in Firefox… :+1: Back on track

So after finally getting registered on Clickbank through Google Chrome, I cannot login today, neither on Chrome or Firefox. When i fill in my login details, I’m taken to the page as shown in the screenshot, which just takes me back to the login page…:rage:
Moreover, i received the following response, also attached, from Clickbank after emailing them yesterday.
Can anybody help me get this resolved as i am now unable to move ahead with the course. Thanks

Hello Sean, I’ve sorted everything out for you, enjoy your new Clickbank account :wink: