Aloha from Seattle!

Hello! I’m Lisa and a tax professional in Seattle. But I grew up mainly in Hawai’i.
My goal is to leave the rat race behind and live my dreams. The recent global crisis really highlights the fact that being able to work at home and virtually is what it takes to earn a stable living.
Stay safe and best of luck to you all!

Aloha right back at you :palm_tree:

Welcome aboard, Lisa @lreeder001 . The whole SAS team is glad to have you here :wave:

You are absolutely right…being able make money while doing affiliate marketing from home has never been more appealing then these days. And if there is one other good thing we can take out of this crisis, then it’s the fact that we should be living our lives with much more self-awareness. There is no time to waste chasing some made up duties, that limit our freedom and don’t even reflect who we are. It’s time to chase our dreams.
You will find many like-minded people in our community here- So I suggest you simply dive right in…get connected with others and engage in discussions, whenever people need advice. Vice versa other students will be more than happy to help you out, in case you face some challenges along the course. Another good source for assistance would be our knowledgebase, which you can access by clicking right here.
Additionally we offer a weekly live webinar with Q/A. Go have a look at the timetable as well as the upcoming topic. You will also find all the reply videos of previous sessions…so there is plenty of material waiting for you to start with.

Have a wonderful start, always make the extra effort and you will soon be succeeding in whatever you wish to do!

Stay safe and healthy :hugs:

Thank you so much BastianS. I’m really excited to be here.

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