Aloha Everyone!

Island greetings from Honolulu, Hawaii! My name is Leslie and I’m Ecstatic to be joining this online community of like minded individuals with different goals at hand. Currently I am working two jobs because one job really isn’t enough living here haha. I’d like to change that and make more time to enjoy life and travel. Ultimately I want to financially take care of my mom who has worked so hard all her life. Looking forward to building new relationships and a bigger bank account! :slight_smile:


Aloha! Nice to see someone from the islands here. I was born in Honolulu…raised in Guam…living in Vegas.

Best of luck…let’s get it!

Greetings Leslie!

Glad you’re in the community. You have an amazing reason in your mother to continuously take action and persevere through any obstacles life may present you. All the best to you in achieving your goals and look forward to hearing of your amazing progress!


Welcome to this community Leslie! It’s a pleasure to meet you and glad you are here! Stay positive, Confident and be interactive in this forum. I believe you will definitely succeed. All the best.

welcome all, I’ve been so busy this year performing many duties as a new mom trying to find new and exiting ways for better life and successful stay at home mom. and this seems more Florida’s forgotten coast is exceptionally beautiful, but no where near as mystical and vibrant as Hawaii. My name is Nakima and I was blessed to have had the opportunity to reside there in Honolulu for six months. It was an experience I shall never forget, I learned a lot of things culturally, the locals made me feel as if belonged there all along. besides all the breath taking landscapes and mysterious waters and their functionalities a broad. I will always share an exceptional amount of wealth, peace and prosperity that was delivered based on my experiences and time well spent. Some of my fondest memories ever made I was also able to purchase my first surf board day three of being there by day 144 I was performing on my own without any guidance on the return of the wild west, coming into perfect contact with my first ever 7’ wave, that at best to me was one of the happiest days of my life. I only wish I could have got it on video of course, but being one of my greatest accomplishments its forever etched across my mind. I was speechless in the abyss for hours afterwards. Got to meet many great surfers, the girls where somewhat harder to get a long with at first. Lol some of the best ocean stories ever told on the beach in Hawaii. 2014

Aloha. Welcome and enjoy :blush:

Welcome Leslie. Keep a positive attitude and learn as much as you can and implement and you will get rid of your other 2 jobs soon!

Welcome Leslie, I also wear several hats to make ends meet, and want to be able to help my Mom as well to have a better quality of life. Hawaii is on my list of places to travel once I graduate to making a living exclusively from my laptop anywhere in the world. I feel were both in the right place to learn the skills we’ll need to accomplish our goals in life. I wish you the best of success and may all your dreams come true! :star_struck: Michael

Aloha Leslie. I certainly hear the excitement in your words. Looking forward to hearing about your successes and appreciate your goal to help your mom. All the best

Hi Leslie,

Welcome and best wishes for your success.

It is my cherished wish to plan a trip to your part of the world at some point, I’ve heard so much about it !
