Affiliate number for Udimi solo ad week 1 second following John

I think its from click bank and called a hoplink, is that right_

Hi Kim!
Affiliate Link / Hoplink : A URL tracking link that identifies the affiliate and sends traffic to the merchant’s web site. Generated by Clickbank especially for you.

These links are unique in order to track the traffic coming from the presell page / website. Indeed you get it from Clickbank :slight_smile:

Few words about solo ads and how they work:
Generally these providers own blogs, websites, instagram accounts, facebook groups etc, through which they collect emails to build their email list.

Then, depending on their niche, they can promote your product (Presell page or direct hoplink) to their email list or require a presell page (website, which you build on week 2), and therefore make people click on it. The targeted audience is not very “warm”, since, even though they ARE interested in the niche that you are promoting, they are not necessary interested in buying your product, unlike the clicks you get from google & Facebook, which you can target better. The advantage is that you know exactly how much a click will cost and how many (at minimum) clicks you are going to get.

So let’s say I own a blog about traveling and I publish twice a week, through the years I collected an email list of 10,000 people which are my blog readers and newsletter subscribers. I now offer my services on Udimi. You buy from me, 100 click for your product, which is an extra light sleeping bag. I know by experience that to get 100 clicks, I need to send your product to about 1000 people. So I send them your email swipe ("Hey guys, everybody is using this new awesome sleeping back now, check it out here! "), and I got you 132 clicks for example (over delivered).

I figured out the hoplink and can , got it. Thank you for the info. Appreciate it
I having some issue with cut and paste the email swipe, I was able to cut and paste the
headline but not the body, it said for view only, is that something I need to be signed into as well?