Affiliate Links-Sales Funnels

I’m struggling with this, Week 1 solar adds, you sent traffic to a landing page with your affiliate link on, the potential buyer is now in the product owners funnel. You have no contact. Week 2, we learn we must never send customers directly to your affiliate link, must be through a website. Now your website holds the product owners landing page, which you send traffic to but the customers land up in the product owners funnel, you still have no contact. First question is this our job as an Affiliate marketer drive traffic to a landing page once and leave the rest of the funnel to the product owner. Now all the research tells you that you need to collect emails, so you build an op-in page before you send to your affiliate link. You now have there email address but your potential buyer would have to fill in there name and email again on the landing page that you drove them to, so basically they went through two op-ins within a short time period to keep moving forward as the product owner has them also in there sale funnel, so the potential buyer is been driven through two funnels for the same product at the same time, surely this will upset the client and will end up not buying. How do we set the potential buyer of on one funnel only? which one must we use, ours or the product owners?
Regards Barry


Hey! It’s me again. I have insomnia. Anyhow. I agree that placing Solo Ads on week 1 is a terrible idea… but its just so that we get the hang of the idea of buying ads in the simplest possible way (plus who knows, you just might get a sale on Week 1). In any event, the basic John Crestani 3 Step Method is: Ad --> Content --> Offer… no emails collected at all.

On SAS 3.0, John is incorporating the concept of collecting emails. Collecting emails adds a layer of resistance - some visitors dont like opting in. However, it is a good idea to collect emails because that list represents “FREE FUTURE TRAFFIC”.

I agree that the process of sending a visitor to your own optin page, and then to the vendors optin page is a bit of a pain… which is probably why John used to NOT collect mails before (reduce customer friction). However, the benefits of collecting the emails outweighs the “possible” friction a visitor might have to two-optins.

The visitor does in fact move through 2 funnels - but if you do your funnel right… the transition should be seamless. They should believe that the vendor funnel is a natural extension of your landing page. If you are adamant about not putting your visitor through two optins… you might use your own optin, to land on YOUR OWN version of their sales page, which then goes straight to the checkout page (bypassing the vendor’s sale’s page). Or you can just not collect the emails and hope for the best.

Good discussion. Can you clarify more around Barry’s points around losing the paid for leads - my understanding is our affiliate URL tags us as the source of the lead, no matter how far downstream a sale would come. Once the lead is tagged as ours, we do not need to gather an opt-in unless we wish to re-target the prospect.

Put better - Barry’s point, as I read it, seems confusing to me around - is he saying that a lead gets lost to a product owners funnel - OR is Barry saying his concern is retargeting prospects that have not chosen to purchase? As I understand affiliate URLs, this would not be a problem, as the tagged URL would give us/the affiliate credit for the sale - right?

So a Solo Ad - using our Click Bank URL (week 1, solo ads) is weak because it uses an ugly URL, not that we would not get credit for the lead - we are the affiliate, and the URL is tagged to us. Granted, it is an ugly url (we did not know better, we are in Week 1 training) - but the lead is not lost to the vendor, right?

Hoping to make sense - this is key point to placing Solo Ads - I am still in Week 1, and do not have a direct URL/Page setup yet - this seems to be in future weeks.

but i am purchasing Solo Ads, using Click Bank URLs - like instructed in Week 1, is this not a good idea? then - for what purpose is it not a good idea:

  1. Ugly URLs - do not have a website yet AND/OR
  2. The affiliate URL will not follow the lead, if they decide to purchase downstream - we lose retargeting, (Vendor gains future retargeting)

To me, the risk of losing the re-targeted prospect to the vendor sucks, but worth the risk as we await creating our own pre-sale pages.

Is Barry’s point more about Optimization (our own URL/pre-sale page), or is it more about serving up free leads to the vendor? Or something else?

Sorry long - I am not deep enough to understand, but figure this is a good discussion to clarify as we spend budget on Solo Ads - wish to be informed around it.

Awaiting Week 2 training, trying to optimize Solo Ad$ as I wait - perhaps future training will clear this up :wink:

Ok… so the model is always this: Ad --> Content --> Offer. Week 1 is intro week. We got NOTHING. So ee learn about our first Paid Traffic Source. Solo Ads. A Solo Ad is simply … renting someones’ email list for a fixed number of clicks. No need to go fancy here. You can buy a 50 click run for $23.00 and if you use someones link when you register, you get a $5.00 coupon.

So thats your end… traffic. Now… for the Content… we are just using the vendor’s sales page. In this case… we want to use the bitly code on top of our dashboard. It points to IMJETSET.COM using your clickbank ID. You give that link to the solo vendor. And the ball rolls.

The solo vendor makes an email (ad). People will see it. Some will click it, and land on the Webinar Invitation (CONTENT). The visitor is now cookied to you for 60 days. The visitor then watches the webinar and is blown away. Then john makes the pitch to go to tje order page (OFFER). Two things can happen. 1) he can afford it and you get your first commission… or 2) he can’t afford it so he bows out. Then its up to john’s email sequence to recover the client. If successful inside 60 days… you got a sale🙌.

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Question; If I am adding adding a Presell Page from an affiliate link On ‘MY WEBSITE’, and look up my personal url/domain name does this mean that presell page for that ONE product would come up?? If so, how am I supposed to sell multiple products from different Vendors if my Main page is only targeting one Product? I guess my real question is… Can I build Multiple Funnels from different vendors on My website and How??

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Hey @miladyfashiondesigns… so… let’s say that your domain is:

When you log into your bluehost, you have a “folder” called public-html. If you dump your presell page there… then that becomes your primary page. If anyone types your domain… thats what they will see. So if you are promoting, for instance, the Hip Flexor product, and you put it there, then typing in “” will always take them to that product.

But you can still promote other products by placing them in a “sub-folder”.

So, you go into your File Manager, and create a folder called “FlatBellyFix”. Then you upload your FlatBellyFix page into that folder. You can now promote the FlatBellyFix by sending your ads here:

You can do this for as many products as you wish. Make sense?

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