Adwords-final destination url?

Hey guys. I need your input. As i placed my domain in the final url as John said and checked my ad i noticed something amiss. When i clicked on my domain i landed at my site promoting John But, after i clicked the link, i landed on Johns page and had to click again for entering my email etc. Question what and where do i enter “final domain”. Nobody wants to keep clicking @@} Thanks, GG

Hi @GG1 When you go to your own website that you set up and click through the survey you will be taken to John’s webinar optin page where people sign up to watch the webinar. If you are unsure send me the URL to your website.

Hi GG! Can you share the link please?

Hello Sara, thank you & best to you. Mine is Shouldn’t Johns’ questions about opting in show first or to, click again on his site? Thank ya **)

Hi Andy, i thought after clicking on my landing page’ Johns’ questions would appear. but i land again on another of Johns’ sites asking the same thing and I have to click again.Thank you/

Hi Gregg, here’s what I am seeing: Your LP -> Questionnaire popup -> John’s LP -> Registration popup. Is that what should be happening or is something not right with that sequence?

Yes, I tried it also and it’s working as expected. I am taken to the presell page, fill out the survey and then advance to the webinar option page. If you have properly placed your affiliate link then everything is set up correctly!

That’s good news as i appreciate your time to review my site. Thank you both and the support here among our members. I hope this would help others with similar questions…

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Well would you tell me how to collect the customers emails that i drove to my website if it only goes to Johns’ landing? Do you know if John has a different LPage for us to gather emails? Thanks

Hi @GG1
Right now John does not have an optin page for you to use for email marketing.
I believe there may be a module or training coming up on email marketing in the near future. I know it’s a topic many people are interested in but it definitely adds another layer of complexity to running converting ads.