Adwords Conversion Pixel Setup....John enters $460....?


In Week 3/video 4, John Crestani explains how to setup two Adwords conversion pixels. When he is explaining how to create the second pixel, he enters an amount of the product ($460). I just want to make sure I’m doing this correctly as the Super Affiliate System is in fact $997. Do we enter $997?

I believe you enter $460 because that is the commission rate for SAS.

You may want to ask this on today’s Inner Circle webinar 11am PST if you’re a member.

If not you can join here:

Hey Sabrina,

Thanks for the reply. With all due respect, isn’t the commision rate 50%? So it would be $498.50?

Even still, don’t these numbers have to be exactly what we entered to track correctly?

I believe the commission rate is shown in Clickbank Marketplace and can vary between $450 and $500. Not sure why.


John will be able to clear this up for you in the inner circle though.

We are unable to advise on marketing related queries :slight_smile:

Hope you get a reply soon :slight_smile:

You may also wish to ask @AndyStewart on the Thursday webinars?