Additional Training Section

Has anyone been able to view any of the “Additional Training” videos?
When I click on a lesson the video is not showing up?

If you’re referring to the “Update in progress” underneath week 6, these are not currently available. They are being updated but we don’t have an ETA on this as yet :slight_smile:

Would anyone be willing to give me their extra login or share a login so I can access Week 6?
I just started a few days ago, I’ve already completely Week 1 and launched Facbeook Ads, but I’d like to be able to Access Google & YT trainings as well. I’m locked out of weeks 2-6 and support isn’t letting me unlock them. Thanks!

Hey Blake!

I sent you an email :slight_smile:

Hi Sabrina,

Any idea when all the rest of the videos from week 6 will be available? I was only able to view the 1st one in the series. It keeps kicking me back to week one after I view that one. I’m very frustrated.
