Ad Tracking Code

I followed the instructions from John getting the necessary information from Google to set up a tracking code with ClickBank. When I went to ClickBank and selected “Add Tracking Code” nothing showed up on the screen. I left a support ticket with ClickBank.

Has anyone run into this problem and how did you fix it?

Rob Matthews
Newbury Park, CA

When you load the page it just redirects to a blank page?

I checked it out and it loaded the following:

Have you tried loading it in another browser?

HI Kc7zzn, you can create your own tracking link,right after you hit the promote link and you are given a link then you ad your own personal link for tracking.

Hey Kc7zzn, I just came across this same problem where Add Tracking didn’t generate anything once I clicked on the drop down box. So I jumped over to Google chrome (instead of Safari) and went through the same steps on Clickbank and I was able to complete these step with the guided video. Goodluck

Having problems integrating my google ads ID# and Labels with Clickbank, I get the following error message;

  • The page view label you entered is invalid.
  • The identification you entered is invalid.
  • The purchase label you entered is invalid.

I spent 45 min. with Google Support and there are no Problems on their end. Anyone know what I can do to resolve this, please.

Hi Everyone,
I actually figured out what my issue was with Integrating Google Ads into Clickbank. I forgot that I have an Ad Blocker, so I paused the Ad Blocker on all the sites I was working with. I went back to Clickbank, I decoded my encrypted link to make sure my Account Name was in the link, then I went to my notebad and started to copy and paste my Google Ads ID and labels into Clickbank. Before I hit save on Clcikbank, I said a prayer. And as John would say Voila!!. All done…


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