About to post my first ad

I’ve completed the week one of the course. I’m about to post an ad to facebook for the SAS2019 funnel. I’m wondering if I should have an autoresponder set up before I do. I feel like this is a big purchase and many people will not purchase the first time seeing the offer. So I feel like I need to hit them with multiple emails.

I’d like to know this before I waste money on facebooks ads. I’ve already lost over $1000 dollars on facebook ads with ecommerce stores I had that didn’t convert and really don’t want to throw more money away.

You do not need to worry about collecting emails right away, just focus on getting your ads up and generating income.

Please keep in mind when people optin to the webinar John has their email and does indeed follow up on your behalf…and I think it is safe to say this is also happening with just about every other product you may choose to promote. That’s part of the beauty of Affiliate Marketing. You’ve got someone out there working on your traffic and helping you to get it to convert.

Email marketing is a separate step if you want to build a list to market to later…you’ll build the list and send offers and the original product vendors will also market to them. So NOT collecting emails is not going to reduce your chances of a sale on your current ad.

Collecting emails is going to give you a chance to offer more products to the same person again at a later date. Email marketing is a course on its own so I won’t go into it at this point but we have had a lot of requests on how to do this effectively so keep an eye out for some materials on that. Remember adding an optin and asking for an email address adds one more step to your funnel before the customer reaches the checkout page.

Let me know if this helps!

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That is honestly the best news I got all day, I did not know that. Confidence restored haha thanks Sara


Good deal, now you can enjoy your weekend knowing your leads are in good hands :smile: