About the SAS 2.0 Week 4 Discussion category

Discussion related to week 4 of the course.

John, While the videos from Tim Burd, Brian Pfeiffer and Ronnie were interesting and probably meant for encourage more than actual To Do’s, they were quite short and I finished them all in one night’s sitting. Now I am five or six days away from the next Week opening. I am out of money for ads, and needing some detailed instructions on how to move forward to finding other ads that will pay me. I got only one conversion and zero sales and have spent over $400 for ads that I did not plan on when I started this course. I understand that we were advertising a “high end” product and a few of us seem to have gotten lucky with orders. How about some “low end” things that can help off set the expenses we have incurred so far. Sheryl Holt (AzGram)

I’m sorry, I do not know how to access the discussion that you mentioned in your reply here.


When doing FB ads I am here in week 4 now. I have had this ongoing issue with FB since week 1 dealing with your ad on your course. It states it is an MLM. I have sent them the letter according to what I have read in the community forum. Now FB says it has disabled my account. Is there away for me to reopen or open a new account and continue advertising on FB?


I am stuck with both FB and Google Ad. PArt of the issue is the opening pages ae so different to the video link from Resources and skip over the settings. I am afraid to go forward with the set up of Headlines etc as I do not know what the costs are or the parameters that Google will set if I cannot access the same pages that John refers to,and adamantly instructs to fill out the settings exactly as he has directed, I have sent a copy of the Resource Advertising Network link page, a copy of what this link has opened in Google and cannot access any other pages till I have Headline and Description done. without any ability to set the given and I hope proven settings. Sadly the firsty 13.09 minutes of the video are skipped in terms of what Google will open.
Like many on the forum I too am weary of the expenses adding up especially as I cannot get the basic set ups done.Word Press and Clickfind expenses do not care whether I use them or not just adds some NAD $300 to my Credit Card each month. Oooch. All very well to say look at google help and Youtube but I thought the course would be more supportive of the ads which after all advertise John’s own programme and which should be set up as a known resources without pages being significantly different to the process is is teaching and skipping what to my mind are important setting restrictions. I am doing the work as far as I can and honestly going to other peoples videos is somewhat confusing. while I wait for assistance I have gone onto Week 4 . I have followed the link to repeat all the Welcome videos again, however, I cannot proceed to Video 3 Week 4 as the same go to Welcome modules and listen to them agin keeps blocking any advance. Is anyone else having these problems or is it that I live “down under” . Does not t make sense as I would have thought Google pages would be the same at the same time all over the world. Maybe I am wrong in thinkiing that. really apprciate your feedback or comments.