About Google Reps

A - Are Google Reps really pro at making profits in business?

or B - Are they just salesman’s corporate drones getting paid as employees by Google?

They’re spamming the hell out of me to get into a call with one of them… Trying to help, or do an up-sell?

But if they are so good in marketing… Why they don’t have their own business? Or their own google ads campaigns making all the profits they want without the need of talking to anyone?

Or maybe I’m totally wrong here?

What do you guys think?

My personal opinion is the B option. Very fake “experts”

It depends on which “experts” you’re referring to. And if you’re even talking about actual Google employees, because there are many companies out there claiming to be from Google to get people on the phone, but they are just sales organizations for any number of products and services.

If they are in fact Google employees, advertising support, for example, they are on your side and trying to get your campaigns to perform optimally. They might try to get you to do things which you don’t need to do, such as trying their newest ad widget, so just push back and tell them no if you aren’t interested in veering from your plans for the campaign.

And I would imagine many of them do have side hustles, unless Google has them under contract not to.