A unique presell page

Hi all,
I was just wondering… is it possible to get a unique free presell page? Because a unique presell page would reduce competition among us and also would increase chances of people to click even if they had actually landed on the same webinar… & maybe with an option for us to give our own free gifts as leads magnet to hook them to opt in… Maybe if we could have 4-5 options of John’s opening videos for us to choose from and with some flexibility to change colour, background & fonts would be nice… this would also be good for us to be able to keep testing different marketing materials… as Ilya said …test,test,test… comment please… tq

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sorry, forgot to intro myself… Hadee here from KL, Malaysia

Hi there, @zzbiz88! That’s actually true what you said. A unique presell page would always catch a customer’s attention and will reduce competition among others because it will give you the edge amongst others. What you can do is you can try to use the SASPanel if you haven’t yet. We have a wide array of templates that you can choose from and edit for you to use and experiment. You can change the colors, buttons, backgrounds and many more with the use of the sas page builder.
And as an existing customer, you should get access to this for free.

You can register for the SASPanel here and check the article on how to sign up here.

Then you can watch the replay of the SASPanel walkthrough on this link.

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Wow!! Great!! Actually I’ve used saspanel earlier to create my 1st presell page… I must have missed the details… I’ll go there now…
Tq lizette

Hi! I repeat the same things :relaxed:, but SAS Panel and Webinar Replay are the most precious resources we have here to build our unique presell page and make it more personal!!!

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Yup I believe so Marco… but now I can’t login to my saspanel… don’t know what went wrong… but I’ve submitted a ticket to support… so am anxiously waiting for support team to help me out…

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Hey zzbiz8;
I have questioned about the same presell page myself. I am not sure I understand how it works, however, everyone has individual Domain which well attached to this giant presell page. I supposed that John and Ilya have tested and proven its credibility before they establish it.


Hi @zzbiz88, I hope your issue with logging in to the SASpanel has already been resolved. If not, please let me know. :blush:

Hey Lizette; I was able to log into the course last evening but I have not found where I left off trying to connect the Domain to the website.

Hi Dorcas, u r right … having individual domains make us unique enough to work with the ads algorithm… but to work with the psychology of the viewers we should be unique at the very 1st impression, so if someone have seen say a green coloured web chances are that he will not look at it again if he saw the same green website… anyway I don’t think it’s such a big issue… most important is to use what works… while changing too much might effect on the conversion … Anyway I would love to see John’s & Ilya’s opinion on this subject…

Yes lizzete … I got in already… my bad… i didn’t put wp-admin :sweat_smile:

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no worries! I’m glad to know you are able to log in. :smiley:

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