3 SAS Ads up and Running

Hey guys, this my third week of Ads. I moved on from FB, one ad run with no conversion. FB canceled my account after I attempted to set up 2 other ads. I moved on to google ads The went up without any problems. Google assisted in optimizing the ads. The ads have less than 24 hours before completion still no conversion what am I missing? I am going through the Youtube training now has anyone has/had any conversion with these ads? Your feedback and assistance will be well received.


Hey… I am with you. $1000 plus spent on FB Google YT… 130 hops, 4 order form impressions, no sales just yet. I have a few posts on the forums.

It’s okay, something will work I’m sure of it.

Stay in touch… good luck!


Hey All,

Any follow-up on this thread? I am focusing on getting the Google ads to work. Google is reporting low quality ads and my CPC is high because of this.
Has anyone hit any good keywords that they are willing to share that get good CTR rates and low CPC? For advertising the SAS program that is…

Hey @Bagrant5, check out this post on keyword research and list building. You might want to build a list of lower-competition keywords and run a test with it.

Thank you sir - great suggestions on the linked post!

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