3-26 Updated Presell Page(!) and other updates

Hey! Just letting everyone know that I updated the presell page to include different copy, more questions, and other items in line with what we’ve been seeing is the most compliant, and what is working best.

I also went ahead and updated some of the facebook ads ad copy.

Unfortunately, facebook has been banning many new advertisers for completely BS purposes, which in no way reflects on the integrity of what your doing, or of my business… its all run by algorithms that we unfortunately have no control over. That said, theres some easy things you can do:

  • send them the legal letter (doesnt always works, but does roughly half the time)
  • Launch ads on Google or Youtube
  • Open another facebook account and try again
  • Launch ads in a different niche
  • buy fb ad accounts from an account seller such as https://fbaccs.com/fb-ads/

I’ve been speaking with the biggest marketers that are both affiliates, and marketers doing facebook advertising for their own businesses, and unfortunately I keep hearing the same thing over and over again; for whatever reason, facebook is banning lots of accounts, when there has been no clear wrong doing. People speculate that this is because facebook just doesnt like direct-response advertisers, and bans accounts when they are getting the money from big brand advertisers to meet their revenue targets… i say, who knows.

But good news is I’m bringing in the #1 clickbank affiliate in the world, and he’ll be showing you how its done. He works with plenty of facebook accounts too, but he’ll show you how to make a few thousand dollars per month from just a single ad account.

Heres some of his commissions from last month

His name is Robbie Blanchard, and I’ll be placing his videos up soon.

While there are some difficulties with placing ads that come up, there are PLENTY of ways to get your affiliate links out there, and I’ll be increasingly going over more ways to market your affiliate links, so that this facebook issue is just a passing thing.

My ideas for things to do are as follows:

  • bring in more experts in specific traffic sources
  • show you more ways you can market your affiliate links
  • more trainings on marketing skills such as optimization, copywriting, and split-testing
  • turn the goals into ‘certifications’ for each ad source (facebook certification, google ads certification, youtube ads certification, etc)

Let me know what your thoughts are, and looking forward to a super profitable 2019!



This is totally an awesome idea. :blush:

Very excited for all of these to happen.


@John_Crestani Woot Woot!! Thanks for keeping things fresh for us!! Muchly appreciated! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :sunglasses:

Thank you for all your efforts to rise above!

Awesome! I got an invite through Listlaunchpro to attend a webinar by Stefan Ciancio and Greg Kononenko tomorrow night - do you know these guys? There seems to be a gazillion people out there doing similar things, and I don’t want to get caught up in the shiny object problem again. Or maybe it’s too late for that, LOL! I’ll hold off attending until I can watch Robbie’s videos…
On Google, the account I had tried using for setting up SAS was opened on the same computer as I had used to open an Adsense account with my personal gmail address some years ago - could that be the cause of my problems? Even the smell of an oily rag comes to mind for their level of suspicion! I am exploring other options in the meantime. 2019 is still full of promise!!!

Hey John thanks a lot for updating, updating and updating

My personal feedback for your ideas, I’ll try to help as much as I can to the whole community as well as you. Reasoning by first principles, instead of a personal opinion or belief system of mine, like a lot of we do specially in social media LOL…

  • bring in more experts in specific traffic sources

Specially in Native, DSP, Zeropark, Mobile, Pops and Media that are very underground… where there is almost zero information, unless you buy another 2000$ course for that - That’d be like extremely extremely helpful to the whole community because of the expansion of awareness of all the media ready to get a lot of profits in there.

  • more trainings on marketing skills such as optimization, copywriting, and split-testing

Totally. Specifically about more in-depth trainning about how to master Voluum, how to do it the right way, how to even - for example picking up a $5 payout cost per lead offer, turn it into a great profitable campaign by doing statistically valid split-testing and CRO.

But it can be 5, 20, or 60 like SAS which is the max cost per order form

So, people can feel confident to say “Alright, I can pick any offer in the world, low or high, and make it into a profitable machine easy-peasy because I have this advanced proven system of refination, copywriting and more”

  • _turn the goals into ‘certifications’ for each ad source (facebook certification, google ads certification, youtube ads certification, etc)

Well the term certification is like very academic. People want profits, not a certification or things like that. It’s a wrong objective to aim for.

Hope that helps, but this is my personal bias haha I have to admit.

It will be best to ask for more feedback on the webinars.

Cheers, and good work!


Thank you for this outstanding support. Most people would just ignore a problem like this, but you took it head on. This makes me proud in my purchase with you.

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That sounds awesome.

Thank you that’s great. Unfortunately I was in the 50% where the legal letter didn’t work with my FB ad account disable review appeal so I’ll move to another channel to sell on. Nigel

Awesome Stuff John
Thank You

:drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face: Can’t wait! The information in this program is outstanding…cheers!

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John what about solo ads i would like to try that

That is really awesome to know from someone who is getting his ad approved and making lot of money from the fb ads.

I have now added all the new presell pages to the “presell pages” area under Resources.


Should we change the privacy policy and T&C of our own in the Bridge page ?

Please upload training and instructions about Black Hat - Cloacking for Facebook&Google

lots of information to take in. Thank you.

John, Thanks for staying on the cutting edge of all things affiliate marketing for us!! You walk the walk and talk the talk! Amazing community…so glad my journey brought me here! :grinning:

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THANKS son much for what you doing,so happy to have you and this lovely community.


Welcome to the SAS family Evody :smiley: