2 solo ads using udimi got lots of hops

Did 2 solos 100 clicks each using 2 different emails 1 email got great results the other not so much… good to test out emails before dumping alot of money into it…
Now having a bunch of hops does the SAS system do follow ups on those people that clicked thru?

Yes, If you have optins to the webinar and the prospect doesn’t buy they’ll receive follow up emails from John to further market SAS to your signups.

Sara, how long does the lead stay commission-able? Do they have a cookie for 30 or 60 days or does the lead come in with our affiliate link associated forever?

Hey Sue :slight_smile:
Clickbank Cookies stay in the customers browser for 60 days.

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Hey Sarah
I just posted two solo ads. On one of them, the number of hops is 6. Am a bit confused. Does it automatically show 6? Even though only my seller and I have opened it ?


Hey Erika! It doesn’t show 6 automatically, 6 hops means 6 hoplink clicks :slight_smile:

If Clickbank dashboard shows 6 hops, meaning all in all, there were 6 clicks on your hoplink. Perhaps the seller had already started delivering your order!

In case you have some confusion as to how Solo ads work, It really depends on the provider! Generally these people own blogs, websites, instagram accounts, facebook groups etc, through which they collect emails to build their email list.

Then, depending on their niche, they can promote your product (Presell page or direct hoplink, depending on what you chose to inclue in your ad) to their email list, and therefore make people click on it. The targeted audience is not very “warm”, since, even though they ARE interested in the niche that you are promoting, they are not necessary interested in buying your product, unlike the clicks you get from Google & Facebook, which you can target better. The advantage is that you know exactly how much a click will cost and how many (at minimum) clicks you are going to get, and price per click is generally low.

So for an example, let’s say I own a blog about traveling and I publish twice a week, through the years I collected an email list of 10,000 people which are my blog readers and newsletter subscribers. I now offer my services on Udimi. You buy from me, 100 click for your product, which is an extra light sleeping bag. I know by experience that to get 100 clicks, I need to send your product to about 1000 people. So I send them your email swipe ("Hey guys, everybody is using this new awesome sleeping bag now, check it out here! "), and I got you 132 clicks for example (over delivered).

And that’s how it works :slight_smile: 6 hops, mean 6 hops :slight_smile: If none of the sellers started delivering, maybe you/the seller have clicked the hoplink a few times?


Thanks Ilya makes sense now!

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