1-5 hours a week

Before signing up you talk about doing the work. What I am wondering is, and this may be an obvious question:
Q1: Should we be watching the v2.0 Jetset videos to suppliment the 2-3 hours for the rest of the week?
-Doing the “work” by watching the week by week videos might take 1-2 hours for us to watch and implement.
-We come in with previous experience so implementation comes a lot easier for us than most.
Q2: We got our first Sale, but have no idea where it came from. Shouldn’t we be able to see where it came from? We have FB ads and Adword ads running.
-my best guess is that we need to setup a pixel for FB, assuming that we did set one up for Google… (so I would think it did not come from Google, since we did setup a pixel for Clickbank)
Q3: Have we not made it to the week of training that would go over that? I see Week 4, “Advanced Facebook Ads setup”… is this the one?

We look forward to seeing you on the call.
-Anthony and Jen :grinning:

Congratulations on your first sale! Send your shipping address to us at [email protected] and we’ll get your trophy shipped to you :smile: :sunny:

Did you get your questions answered on the coaching call?

No, not really. Covered a good amount of questions but not mine.

Great to hear your getting through the course steps with ease. Looking through some of the other modules in 2.0 is a great idea. If you have the extra time I don’t see any reason not to. The more you learn the better. You might also find some interesting topics and information in the older 12 week course.

When you create your hoplinks in Clickbank you can append your link with a tracking code. Then when you look at your stats you’ll see the TID next to the sale. You can read more about it here: