Solo ad provider denied my add what do i do

so i purchased a solo ad for 63$ for 125 clicks and the solo ad provider denied it i used johns swipe email number 6 and i put his name at the end of the email just like hoe he said to do in the video< im not understanding why i got denied

he emailed me and his message said
Without your own list building you will not make money with this offer in the long term. Please use your own lead capture page to be able to follow up your potential customers

what does this mean how do i fix this one?

Hello Nate, the sellers are people, that send your offers to their email lists, they have the right to accept or deny ay order based on their experience and opinion. In this case, he advised you to get your own opt in page (So, to actually collect emails by yourself), before sending this out, and I agree. if you send the solo ad and receive no orders, you’ve lost these visitors forever, something that we don’t want happening.

I generally advice to wait for the second week, where you’ll learn how to build your own site, and participate in our weekly live sessions to learn more. This is a process, and all materials and tools are given to you during the course, you just need to be willing to put in the work and be a little patient.

great thanks for that - i was starting to feel like slack that i hadn’t started yet even though taking in week 1 - i will wait until week 2 set up my own website etc and get onto live sessions.

I too have bought courses on how to do amazon etc but it wasn’t for me - i actually really enjoy being online and finding out more about this whole affiliate marketing process which is basically getting paid commissions for selling products using so many tools not available before - i’ll keep going for sure and i much prefer the week to week having to learn it take action etc before moving forward. so week 1 for me is getting set up with the basics and moving forward in week 2!! i’m in this for the long haul.