New Member, Hello Everyone

Hello everyone. Joined yesterday. Been studying A. Marketing on/off for the past 7 months. Learned alot but i was just all over the place in methods/ tools/ education. I will work hard in this course, give everything i got and then some! My goal is to make 10k per month. What hit home for me was when John mentioned, dont try to figure everything out before taking action. Always been the type with the need to know all the details, why, how, worst/case best case scenarios. Im following this system to the T and cant wait for results.

Alex Escalante

Welcome on board! Thanks for your thoughts! Enjoy the journey! :grinning: :muscle:

Hey Alex @bentleyteam2019 :sunglasses:
Great to ready about your thoughts…and I am very happy to see that you are ready to TAKE ACTION and to WORK HARD for your success!!! The SAS team is looking forward to witness your progress - whenever you need us, simply shoot us an email. Other than that, I recommend you connect with our community which is full of great minds and ambitious and experienced marketers, who are all willing to share their knowledge with you. Further you always have our Help Desk to your disposal, so go search here whenever you need more detailed tutorials.
Thursdays should be a fixed date for you - make sure to join our weekly live trainings with my colleague Ilya. Selected weekly topics will be discussed and explained in more detail in these sessions. Of course you can also watch it as a replay video.
Lastly I have one big request - please participate in our “Build your presell page” contest. We especially put this up so you guys get familiar with building a presell page, which will be important for your future work with affiliate marketing.
That’s it for now…I hope to see you around a lot! Stay focussed and work hard…then success will come automatically! Best of luck! :muscle:

Welcome! I kind of did the same thing…study and research then figure out what niche I wanted to get into. I think this course will be amazing!

Hello Bentleyteam…I am same kind of person…allways wanted to know firstly before taking actions…but now I agree with you!


My Name is Jackie. I am from PA,USA. I am an empty nester now and rebranding my life.
I am here to learn some new skills…ok alot of skills…lol. Its time to take my life in a different direction.
Looking forward to chatting with all of you.

Hi Alex, I have just joined too. I have no marketing background and few technical skills. I am a teacher(46 years and counting) and was hit by the same comment. Being a teacher I think, has always made me have to have detailed plans and execute them. When John said, don’t get hung up on the details, I thought I just have to jump in. Good luck! Debbie

Welcome, Alex. I am new here, too. Glad that you are going to “dive in”.