Introduction from DE

hello i’m Sharon from Delaware. love to learn read and if i find time try to write and help out others. I want to be able to help out those who may need it like charity’s and the like. to maybe one day travel to places i wanna see and visit family in other state or country.

Hi @eckersharon! Welcome to the SAS family! I’m glad to know how kind-hearted you are and that you have such a lovely goal. We’ll look forward to helping you achieve your goal. :+1:

Welcome, Sharon. Glad to have you on board with us.

Hello Sharon, so glad to hear from you. Welcome to the Super Affiliate System.

Hi Sharon @eckersharon :hugs:
I enjoyed reading your intro and I especially like your selfless ambitions…what can be more satisfying than being in a position where you can help others?! I truly hope this course will provide you with all the tools you need to quickly reach your goals!
To achieve the best possible result on this new journey with affiliate marketing always recall yourself - results don’t happen over night, they happen over time. Work hard, stay consistent, and be patient. Be tenacious! This is the key to success!
As you go along with the course, make sure to be part of our daily community life…surrounding yourself with all our wonderful students, ambitious and experienced marketers, will be very beneficial for your progress…share your thoughts, engage in discussions and post your questions. You will be surprised how helpful your fellow students will be to you. Further I always recommend the new students to make use of our Help Desk. You will find many tutorials and instructions - so whenever you have a question, search that topic and you will most likely already find the answer.
Make sure to keep your Thursdays free for our weekly live training with my colleague Ilya. He will guid you through selected weekly topics and you also have the chance to address your questions in the dedicated Q/A part of these sessions. If you are unable to attend the webinar you can of course simply watch the replay video. Find out everything by clicking here.
Lastly I want to invite you to our “Build your presell page” contest, where every SAS member has the chance to win wonderful giveaway prizes such as cash or free personal coaching. Get all the information about the contest right here.
Sharon, I wish you a wonderful start and a nice Easter time -despite the whole situation we are in right now. Let’s make the best out of it! See you around :hatching_chick:

Welcome to this group. I especially commend you for wanting to pay it forward already. Good luck!

Hi Sharon! I also live in Delaware. Small world…or maybe just a small state :smile:

yeah its true the stat can be pretty small once you get to know the areas