Intro and goals

Hello, I’m from Minnesota! I work currently as a courier driver and doing warehouse work. Two full time job are going to be replaced by the end of this year by making a passive income of 10k per month. Hope to see your success too. Cheers.


My name is Kelly Gard and I am from Iowa. I joined last Thursday and I am 62 years old. I left my previous job in Sept. 2019, so I am looking for a very lucrative online income/business!. I have always been in sales and I have advertising sales experience. I look forward to this great opportunity and look forward to getting to know the people in this community. My goals are of course to make as much money as possible. However, starting with $2800.00 per week would be a great start!!

Alright Kai @Kaivang23, Welcome to the team :sunglasses:

Thank you for sharing this information about you…hopefully you will soon be able to achieve your goals :muscle:
We are happy to see you joining our course - Please meet the SAS crew right here. Besides these people, you will have this wonderful community right here. Get connected with other students and help us create an active community life, where everyone is happy to help one another. Also always check our knowledgebase, as many of your questions will be answered here.
While doing your weekly assignments, please feel free to join our weekly webinars. You also have the chance to find any of our previous sessions in our replay video library - just click right here.

That’s it for now-keep working hard and always stay focussed.
Be safe and stay healthy :100:

Hi Kelly @kagard14, also big welcome to you!
I guess you accidentally posted your intro into @Kaivang23’s thread?! So here is one suggestion- feel free to resend your message in a separate thread - this way people will more likely read it and answer :+1: