Hi Everyone , i am excited to be here

My name is Edwin Bonilla from San Jose Ca, I am brand new just started a few days ago I am a driver for Lyft my main Goal is to be able to make at least 100k a month so I can start helping my family and giving back to my community, i am brand new to online business but very excited I feel like I have found my home
Thank you to John for giving me this great opportunity

Hey buddy, we are very pleased to see you joining our course! Big WELCOME to you from the whole SAS team :wink:
You are dreaming B-I-G!!! And you are absolutely right- we always need to aim for the highest, because that’s the only way we will accomplish great things! It’s awesome to see your motivation and we can’t wait to see you grabbing this opportunity :muscle:
As I usually do when I welcome our new members- I truly encourage you to be a active part of this community here…we are all on the same side and we are all here to help one another! So get engaged in the daily discussions, connect with your fellow student colleagues and ask your questions.
As you go along with the course I also want to invite you to join our weekly live webinars with Q/A…you will love those sessions. They are super helpful and you are also able to all the replay videos from previous sessions!

Have a great start and never stop aiming for the stars :sunglasses:

Now thats what i call a goal!:slight_smile:
I hope 2020 will be a very profitable year for you Edwin