Hello Super Affiliates!

My name is Astra and I am from Croatia.
I am a mum to almost 6 year old super active son. :laughing:
I adore labradors and have 2 labrador girls.

I worked in my parents company for 21 years, but they close the company with their retirement.
Now I work full time in one store, but miss freedom and more finances.

I am super excited to find this program and community. :hugs:
I am so ready to start the work and meet new people. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hope we all conquer the 2020. :muscle:
Best of luck to all of us!!


Welcome Astra! Love your labs! One of my favorite breeds! Best of luck to you and all this 2020!

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Thank you Matthew!
I see you just sign in, as I do.
Let’t support each other :slight_smile: and hope for the best

Dobra večer Astra @astra.hocevar. Drago mi je! :relaxed:
I love your intro - very unique and well…those two beautiful Labrador girls are just not fair…! Definitely the cutes two things on this forum so far
Well, it’s great to have you aboard - WELCOME! The whole SAS team is looking forward to be working with you.
Whenever you are ready, start to connect with our other members, who are all ambitious and aspiring marketers, just like you. The forum is. Great place to exchange your thoughts and ides. Simply post your questions here and make great use of the fantastic accumulated knowledge of all. And if you need any additional tutorials, go to our Help Desk and read through plenty of instructions.
Set up and reminder for our Thursday’s Super Affiliate Live Training with my colleague Ilya - he will guide you step-by-step through selected topics of the week and you also have the chance to address your question directly to him in the Q/A part. You will definitely find this sessions super helpful - and if you are not able to attend them, you can simply watch the replay videos.
One last thing -we are currently offering a contest to all our SAS members - “Build your presell page”. This should not only be seen as a competition but also as a great chance to practise your knowledge! So do not miss this great chance!
Alright Astra, again big WELCOME! Please make sure to stay focussed and motivated! Hard work and determination are the absolute requirement to succeed on this new journey!
I am looking forward to seeing you around in the next time! All the best and please stay safe! Regards to beautiful Croatia :sunglasses:

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Hello @BastianS, thank you for the warm welcome and nice words :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I am currently having some click bank issues, and waiting for support to response.
Hopefully they will manage to correct it, so I can continue with the program.
I am so excited to be here.
First time doing such a big thing :blush::muscle:t2:
Hope I catch all technical stuff in the future :blush:

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Hey Astra, I got your clickbank issue request and I’ve already contacted clickbank higher management to try and resolve this ASAP. I will reach out as soon as I have an answer. Thanks for your patience

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Nice to meet you!:grinning:

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Welcome Astra! I’m a newbie in the block too :slightly_smiling_face: Let’s make 2020 our year. You have a nice picture, by the way! :):smile:

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hello everyone, my name is Brenda Ledee, i am from New Jersey, very happy, to have found the program that looks very promising, also very happy to see other people looking for financial freedom.lets make 2020 the year of plenty, plenty.

Hi. You’re dogs are adorable. So glad you are here. :slight_smile:

Hey just wanted to say I love your dogs, and hope you reach all your goals for this year! Don’t give up you got this!