Hello My name is Brandon Biscoe

I’m currently a Graduate Student at the University of Texas at Dallas and will be earning my MBA next year. I also work full time as a retail assistant manager. I have dreams of one day becoming a multimillionaire and within the last year I have become obsessed with finding ways to establish new sources of income. I choose SAS to learn as much as I can about affiliate marketing so that i can start my own online business and with that create another source of income. I am ready and willing to put in what ever work is required to succeed, and I look forward to getting to know and interact with the community.

Very cool! I am too Brandon. Hopefully we can make our dreams come true with this program. FYI my family and I are planning on moving to Dallas this summer from SoCal, that is unless this Coronavirus closes the state. lol

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Good luck Brandon, the right time to start this I am sure… looks like a great oppertunity

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Hey Brandon @bbiscoebusiness,

It’s refreshing to see how motivated you are…it’s exactly this never-ending hunger that creates success. And as far as I can tell-you don’t wait for opportunities, you create! Really awesome man! So let’s get this working!
On behalf of John and the SAS team- Welcome aboard :sunglasses:
Hopefully you will enjoy the course. As you go along with the first module- stay patient and try to internalise John’s words. Try out different techniques and get your feet wet with the whole system- a good foundation is essential and will be oaf great benefit later on.
And yes, be part of the community…those people are going to be your online family for the next couple of weeks- so get connected and share all your knowledge with the others. In return everyone will be willing to share his expertise with you.
While you get familiar with everything- please go check out our schedule for the live webinars, which will be held by my colleague Ilya. You will like these weekly sessions, as they also include a Q/A part.

Alright Brandon, enjoy and always stay positive :v:

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