Hello from Singapore

i just joined and happy to be part of the community and i hope to be able to work and be friends with all of you

Amina Lucas

Hey Amina @aminalucas,
I can literally feel all your positivity all the way from Singapore to Europe :tada:
We are very happy to welcome you to the course. Please quickly meet the SAS team. We will be making sure you don’t get lost in the next couple of weeks :slightly_smiling_face: But besides us you will have an incredible support from our community right here…so get connected with the other students and help whenever you can. And also before you post your questions- quickly make sure your topic hasn’t been addressed to yet. Therefore check the forum and also have look at our knowledgebase. Both of them are a fantastic source of help and support. And as you go along with the course I also invite you to join our weekly webinars. You can loo at the schedule right here.

That’s out for now and I hope to see you around a lot :hugs:
Work hard and be safe…the best is to simply stay at home these days :wave:

Amina, looking forward to work with you and see your success too.

Thank you Kaivang. to your success too!

Thank you for the warm welcome. i tired to access the knowledge base. but i don’t know my password and can’t get to it. any ideas what password this is?

If you have had any previous communication with the support, you are already registered and you can simply request your password.
And in case you didn’t communicate with the support yet, you just have to sign up as completely new. :+1: