Hello from Kentucky

Hi! My name is Jenniffer Nichols, but people call me Jenny. I’m from Louisville, KY. I’m looking to make some serious cash and I’m hoping this will be the way. I’m currently working as a bookkeeper, department manager, and delivery driver and my goal is to free up some time, while upgrading my life, so that I can spend more time with my family and focus on the things that matter most. Also, if I could travel anytime I wanted, that would be a pretty sweet deal! Best wishes to everyone who reads this!!!


Hi, @Jenny! Welcome to the SAS family! We’re looking forward to helping you achieve your beautiful goal. :smile: :+1:

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Hi Jenny, that’s a lot of work and I’m happy for you that you’re taking the steps to free up your life. Our reality is what we make of it. You sound like you’re taking steps to create the life you want!.

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Hi Jenniffer @Jenny :slightly_smiling_face:
It’s great to have you with us! I hope you have been enjoying the welcome module and started to get familiar with all the course environment.
Let me introduce you to the SAS team…in case you need any help, don’t hesitate to reach out for us. Also make use of our wonderful community and connect with all these aspiring marketers out here. Search the forum and our Help Desk to find instructions and tutorials.
And on Thursdays you should not miss our Weekly Super Affiliate Live Trainings with my colleague Ilya.
Further I highly recommend you to join our “Build your presell page” contest…please submit your design till 10th May and with some luck you will be able to win cash and free Inner Circle training.

Keep enjoying the course and never forget - the hard work you invest now will all pay off!!! :muscle:

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