Hello from Down Under! Australia, Queensland, Brisbane!

Hi Online Money Makers ! :sunglasses::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Me & my wife, I Oscar & Tatiana, are excited on this Affiliate marketing journey, this is our 2nd Online Business, we currently do Amazon FBA but things are going slow & we want to have multiply streams of income & we believe Affiliate Marketing is a lot cheaper to get started and less logistics to deal with & faster to learn & scale.:sweat_smile:

All the best for everyone & the Lord God Bless everyone! :grinning:

Hi @oscar_castillo_777! Welcome to the SAS family! It’s true what you said in dealing with logistics. :rofl:

We’re looking forward to your success!

Oscar and Tatiana @oscar_castillo_777 ! Big HI and welcome to the two of you
Timing for affiliate marketing could be any better - so congratulations to your decision! I am sure this will be the beginning of a very successful journey for you guys!
Nevertheless, don’t forget that the results will happen over time, not over night. Work hard, stay consistent, and be patient.
Whenever you are lost and frustrated, we have a great community to support and cheer you up. Share your knowledge with the other’s and make sure to be an active part of the daily community life. This will be very beneficial for you. Further you can always search the Help Desk and find all kind of course related tutorials.
Once a week you have the opportunity to attend our live webinar, which will be hosted by my colleague Ilya. He will take you step-by-step through selected weekly topics and you also have the chance to directly address your questions in the dedicated Q/A part of those sessions. If you cannot attend the webinars you can of course simply watch the replay videos.
One last big reminder for you - make sure to participate and submit your design for our “Build your presell page” contest. Every SAS member can be in with the cancer to win cash and private tutoring! Don’t miss this chance!
That’s it for now
enjoy the course and get the work done!

Good luck and stay safe :mask: :four_leaf_clover: