Hello from China 👋

Hi everyone,

This is Amelle, a Frenchie in China. :slight_smile:

Happy to be joining you!

Hi Amelle @amelle :slightly_smiling_face:

I hope you guys are coping well with the circumstances over there. Most of us here in Europe are also staying at home now in order to stem this crisis. And the only good thing about this whole situation is, that most of us probably now can dedicate more time to affiliate marketing and working from home. So let’s use this circumstances and let’s make good use of this extra time. :100:
We are very happy to welcome you to the SAS family. If you quickly want to meet the team, simply click right here and get familiar with our faces. We will be accompanying you from the background for the next couple of weeks - so in case you need any assistance, don’t hesitate to shoot us a message. But always check the forum and our knowledgebase before you do so, because that’s where you might find the solution to your questions most of the times.
You are also more than welcome to join our weekly webinars, which are held by my colleague Ilya. You will find these sessions super helpful, as Ilya will answer your questions and explain certain things more in detail. Please check out the schedule right here.

Ok Amelle, I suggest you jump right into the course now! Enjoy the first module, work thoroughly and always stay focused! Best of luck on this new journey :hugs:

Hi Bastian,

Thank you for the warm welcome.

It was pretty freaky over here at some point but now things have literally gone back to normal, however we’re horrified to see what’s happening on the other side of the globe. Stay safe.

The free time? Yeah that’s what got me started, just waiting on ClickBank to approve my account that they disabled due to my location. Hopefully, me sending them documents of my French permanent residence will truly help…

Thank you for your guidance, I’ll have a look at the links.

Stay safe.

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Hey, I hope everything is going okay!
Can’t wait to embark on this journey with you!

Translation: Hi bro, we’re ok over here. How are you doing?

It is currently crazy in the states. Multiple states going on mandatory lockdown and unless youre an employee of an essential business, cops have the right to pull you over.

I am seeing what’s happening and in all honesty they go about it the wrong way over there, even in Europe. They aren’t helping people nor businesses. China granted financial support to businesses + a tax free program, and came up with a labour law stipulating that companies had the obligation to pay salaries as per what was agreed on contracts. These were very helpful to all of us lot. But back home it’s chaotic. They tell people to stay home but won’t provide anything to anyone. So obviously people that need to work for instance still have to go…

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