Heeyyy from Lanham, Maryland

Hi guys,

I’m super excited to be here! I currently do contract work as a Systems Analyst (don’t let that title fool you, I am only computer savvy in the system I manage for the job :upside_down_face:), for an electronic health record system, called Epic. It pays the bills, but I’m greedy!

My goals are to first start with about 5 grand, my first month or two and quickly move up to 10 grand the next month, 30 and so forth until I hit the millionaire status, and on and on and on!

If you believe, you CAN achieve!!!

Sharon Pritchard

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Nice to meet you! Best of luck!

You are absolutely right Sharon @atisket_tasket, we need to dream big! It’s all about the right motivation! We definitely support your spirit and we can’t wait to see you getting it on!
Please meet our team - we will be accompanying you on this new journey! Also make sure to connect with all the other fellow students…we are all here to help one another, so whenever you can, please offer your help. Also don’t hesitate to send your own questions- but make sure the same question hasn’t been discussed on a previous thread :yum:
Most students also have found it super helpful to attend our weekly live webinars- of course you will also find all the replay videos of our older sessions.
All the best for the start-work hard and never give up too easily…even if you get frustrated sometimes -persistence is the key to success :v: